Practice some SQL, data analysis and visualizations! This is going to be split into a series of practices. Practice #1 and #2 are quite easy, serving as warm-ups.
You can download the datasets below.
1997: The start
2002: Expansion to North America
until 2005: Experiencing meteoric growth
until 2013: Slower steady growth
2014: The big shrink
2016: Introduction of South American servers; slow recovery starts
2018: South America grows; Europe and North America continues to shrink
2021: South America outgrows Europe and North America
2023: All times high
The Data
Download the three datasets (CSV):
You may copy the table creation and data loading from Practice #1.
Practice #2: Second SQL warm-up
For this warm up, use the dataset: Tibia Game Worlds Server
The Questions
(the answers are provided at the bottom, section called “The Answers”)
Question #F: What's the oldest server? Show: worldname, date, servLocation, pvpType.
Desired output:
Question #G: Which are the three newest servers? Show: worldname, date, location, pvpType.
Desired output:
Question #H: What is the newest and oldest server for each server location? Show: worldname, location, date. Display from the oldest to the newest.
Desired output:
Question #I: What's the newest and oldest server for each server location and PvP type? Show: server location ASC, PvO type DESC, date ASC, worldname.
Desired output:
The Answers
Answer #F: What's the oldest server? Show: worldname, date, servLocation, pvpType.
Solution code below:
SELECT TOP 1 worldName
, serverCETCreatedDate
, servLocation
, pvpType
FROM worlds
Answer #G: Which are the three newest servers? Show: worldname, date, location, pvpType.
Solution code below:
SELECT TOP 3 worldName
, serverCETCreatedDate
, servLocation
, pvpType
FROM worlds
Answer #H: What is the newest and oldest server for each server location? Show: worldname, location, date. Display from the oldest to the newest.
Solution code below:
WITH dateAndLocation AS (
SELECT MIN(serverCETCreatedDate) AS earliest
, servLocation
, MAX(serverCETCreatedDate) AS latest
FROM worlds
GROUP BY servLocation
SELECT worldname
, worlds.servLocation
, serverCETCreatedDate
FROM worlds
JOIN dateAndLocation
ON worlds.servLocation = dateAndLocation.servLocation
(worlds.serverCETCreatedDate = dateAndLocation.earliest)
OR (worlds.serverCETCreatedDate = dateAndLocation.latest)
Answer #I: What's the newest and oldest server for each server location and PvP type? Show: server location ASC, PvO type DESC, date ASC, worldname.
Solution code below:
WITH dateAndLocation AS (
SELECT MIN(serverCETCreatedDate) AS earliest
, pvpType
, servLocation
, MAX(serverCETCreatedDate) AS latest
FROM worlds
GROUP BY servlocation, pvpType
SELECT worlds.servLocation
, worlds.pvpType
, serverCETCreatedDate
, worldName
FROM worlds
JOIN dateAndLocation
ON worlds.pvpType = dateAndLocation.pvpType
AND worlds.servLocation = dateAndLocation.servLocation
(worlds.serverCETCreatedDate = dateAndLocation.earliest)
OR (worlds.serverCETCreatedDate = dateAndLocation.latest)